Results for 'D. S. Schultz'

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  1.  94
    Charles Taylor, Phronesis, and Medicine: Ethics and Interpretation in Illness Narrative.D. S. Schultz & L. V. Flasher - 2011 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 36 (4):394-409.
    This paper provides a brief overview and critique of the dominant objectivist understanding and use of illness narrative in Enlightenment (scientific) medicine and ethics, as well as several revisionist accounts, which reflect the evolution of this approach. In light of certain limitations and difficulties endemic in the objectivist understanding of illness narrative, an alternative phronesis approach to medical ethics influenced by Charles Taylor’s account of the interpretive nature of human agency and language is examined. To this end, the account of (...)
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    Thomistic Metaethics and A Present Controversy.Janice L. Schultz - 1988 - The Thomist 52 (1):40-62.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:THOMISTIC METAETIDCS AND A PRESENT CONTROVERSY XOOD STARTING point for understanding the recent controversy regarding the Grisez-Finnis interpretaition oi St. Thomas Aquinas's ethical theory is Finnis's claim that "by a 'Simple act of non-inferential understanding one grasps that the objeot of the [natural] inclination which one experiences is an instance of a general form of good, for oneself (and others like one)." 1 For here Finnis is denying an (...)
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  3. Gonzo Strategies of Deceit: An Interview with Joaquin Segura.Brett W. Schultz - 2011 - Continent 1 (2):117-124.
    Joaquin Segura. Untitled (fig. 40) . 2007 continent. 1.2 (2011): 117-124. The interview that follows is a dialogue between artist and gallerist with the intent of unearthing the artist’s working strategies for a general public. Joaquin Segura is at once an anomaly in Mexico’s contemporary art scene at the same time as he is one of the most emblematic representatives of a larger shift toward a post-national identity among its youngest generation of artists. If Mexico looks increasingly like a foreclosed (...)
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    Cyberattacks as “state of exception” reconceptualizing cybersecurity from prevention to surviving and accommodating.Sebastian Knebel, Mario D. Schultz & Peter Seele - 2022 - Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society 20 (1):91-109.
    Purpose This paper aims to outline how destructive communication exemplified by ransomware cyberattacks destroys the process of organization, causes a “state of exception,” and thus constitutes organization. The authors build on Agamben's state of exception and translate it into communicative constitution of organization theory. Design/methodology/approach A significant increase of cyberattacks have impacted organizations in recent times and laid organizations under siege. This conceptual research builds on illustrative cases chosen by positive deviance case selection of ransomware attacks. Findings CCO theory focuses (...)
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    Edward Tyson, M.D., F.R.S. 1650-1708 and the Rise of Human and Comparative Anatomy in England. M. F. Ashley Montagu.Adolph Schultz - 1943 - Isis 34 (6):526-527.
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    Comparison of dietary variety and ethnic food consumption among Chinese, Chinese-American, and white American women.Audrey A. Spindler & Janice D. Schultz - 1996 - Agriculture and Human Values 13 (3):64-73.
    The study's purpose was to estimate the variety of foods consumed within standard and ethnic food categories by three groups of women between 18 and 35 years of age. Foreign-born Chinese women [N = 21], Chinese-American women [N = 20] and white American women [N = 23] kept 4-day food records, after instruction. Analysis of variance showed that the mean number of different foods consumed by the foreign-born Chinese was significantly [p < 0.05] lower than those eaten by the other (...)
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    Review Symposium of David Corey, The Sophists in Plato’s Dialogues: SUNY Press, 2015.Avi I. Mintz, Anne-Marie Schultz, Samantha Deane, Marina McCoy, William H. F. Altman & David D. Corey - 2017 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 37 (4):417-431.
  8. The methods of J. B. Schneewind.Bart Schultz - 2004 - Utilitas 16 (2):146-167.
    J. B. Schneewind's Sidgwick's Ethics and Victorian Moral Philosophy was the single best philosophical commentary on Henry Sidgwick's Methods of Ethics produced in the twentieth century. Although Schneewind was primarily concerned to read Sidgwick's ethical theory in its historical context, as reflecting the controversies generated by such figures as J. S. Mill, F. D. Maurice, and William Whewell, his reading also ended up being highly neo-Kantian, reflecting various Rawlsian priorities. As valuable as such an interpretation of Sidgwick surely is, Schneewind's (...)
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    The Cosmos of Duty: Henry Sidgwick’s Methods of Ethics by Roger Crisp.Bart Schultz - 2016 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 54 (3):510-511.
    The career of Oxford philosopher Roger Crisp has produced a wonderfully rich yield of elegant, lucid philosophizing that combines in a rare mix historical erudition and brilliant, creative, and highly interdisciplinary ethical argument. Crisp is steeped in Aristotle and Mill, W. D. Ross and Derek Parfit, but his deepest source of inspiration is by his own admission the Victorian era Cambridge philosopher Henry Sidgwick, author of the famous Methods of Ethics. Although Sidgwick has been regarded as a kind of master (...)
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  10.  16
    On teaching and learning Christian ethics.D. Stephen Long - 2024 - Washington, DC: Georgetown University Press.
    This book addresses what it means to teach and learn ethics. While teaching ethics is universally applauded, how one goes about it is much more difficult and contested than is often recognized. The approach of the work is historical, philosophical, and theological. It begins with the historical transformation in the mid nineteenth century by Henry Sidgwick, who rejected establishing ethics on theology or metaphysics. G. E. Moore, John Rawls, Thomas Hurka, Bart Schultz, and Peter Singer later explicitly developed ethics (...)
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    Governments, foundations and the bias of research.S. E. & Theodore W. Schultz - 1979 - Minerva 17 (3):459-468.
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    Années, 1781-1801: Kant, critique de la raison pure, vingt ans de réception: actes du 5e Congrès international de la Société d'études kantiennes de langue française, Montréal, 27-29 septembre 2001.Claude Sociâetâe D'âetudes Kantiennes de Langue Franðcaise & Pichâe (eds.) - 2002 - Paris: Libr. philosophique J. Vrin.
    Depuis deux siecles, la Critique de la raison pure occupe une place centrale dans notre paysage philosophique. Deja du vivant de Kant, cette influence commence a s'exercer, et de maniere fulgurante. D'abord recue avec scepticisme, la premiere Critique suscite bientot l'enthousiames, au point de faire ecole, pour se voir ensuite sursumee par la jeune generation. Les etudes ici rassemblees temoignent de la diversite et de l'intensite de cette premiere reception, qui va de l'accusation d'idealisme dirigee contre la Critique, jusqu'au depassement (...)
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  13.  12
    Can Acting Out Online Improve Adolescents’ Well-Being During Contact Restrictions? A First Insight Into the Dysfunctional Role of Cyberbullying and the Need to Belong in Well-Being During COVID-19 Pandemic-Related Contact Restrictions.Jan S. Pfetsch, Anja Schultze-Krumbholz & Katrin Lietz - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Connecting with peers online to overcome social isolation has become particularly important during the pandemic-related school closures across many countries. In the context of contact restrictions, feelings of isolation and loneliness are more prevalent and the regulation of these negative emotions to maintain a positive well-being challenges adolescents. This is especially the case for those individuals who might have a high need to belong and difficulties in emotional competences. The difficult social situation during contact restrictions, more time for online communication (...)
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  14.  18
    Modulated structures in corundum type oxides.V. S. Stubican, A. H. Schultz & W. R. Bitler - 1970 - Philosophical Magazine 22 (179):0993-1001.
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    Conceptualizing data‐deliberation: The starry sky beetle, environmental system risk, and Habermasian CSR in the digital age.Mario D. Schultz & Peter Seele - 2020 - Business Ethics 29 (2):303-313.
    Building on an illustrative case of a systemic environmental threat and its multi‐stakeholder response, this paper draws attention to the changing political impacts of corporations in the digital age. Political Corporate Social Responsibility (PCSR) theory suggests an expanded sense of politics and corporations, including impacts that may range from voluntary initiatives to overcome governance gaps, to avoiding state regulation via corporate political activity. Considering digitalization as a stimulus, we explore potential responsibilities of corporations toward public goods in contexts with functioning (...)
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  16. The social motivation theory of autism.Coralie Chevallier, Gregor Kohls, Vanessa Troiani, Edward S. Brodkin & Robert T. Schultz - 2012 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 16 (4):231-239.
  17.  71
    Causation, dispositions, and physical occasionalism.Walter J. Schultz & Lisanne D'Andrea-Winslow - 2017 - Zygon 52 (4):962-983.
    Even though theistic philosophers and scientists agree that God created, sustains, and providentially governs the physical universe and even though much has been published in general regarding divine action, what is needed is a fine-grained, conceptually coherent account of divine action, causation, dispositions, and laws of nature consistent with divine aseity, satisfying the widely recognized adequacy conditions for any account of dispositions.1 Such an account would be a basic part of a more comprehensive theory of divine action in relation to (...)
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    Algorithms and dehumanization: a definition and avoidance model.Mario D. Schultz, Melanie Clegg, Reto Hofstetter & Peter Seele - forthcoming - AI and Society:1-21.
    Dehumanization by algorithms raises important issues for business and society. Yet, these issues remain poorly understood due to the fragmented nature of the evolving dehumanization literature across disciplines, originating from colonialism, industrialization, post-colonialism studies, contemporary ethics, and technology studies. This article systematically reviews the literature on algorithms and dehumanization (n = 180 articles) and maps existing knowledge across several clusters that reveal its underlying characteristics. Based on the review, we find that algorithmic dehumanization is particularly problematic for human resource management (...)
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    Digitalisierung.Mario D. Schultz & Peter Seele - 2021 - In Ludger Heidbrink, Alexander Lorch & Verena Rauen, Handbuch Wirtschaftsphilosophie Iii: Praktische Wirtschaftsphilosophie. Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden. pp. 365-380.
    Mit der Digitalisierung geht ein fundamentaler, herausfordernder Wandel einher. Durch eine Begriffsbestimmung und Operationalisierung wird in diesem Beitrag der digitale Wandel aus wirtschaftsphilosophischer Sicht vorgestellt. Zunächst werden wirtschaftsphilosophische Grundlagen der Digitalisierung wie die Informationsethik erläutert, gefolgt von einer Diskussion der digitalen Wertschöpfung, die auf Überwachung aufbaut und von einer Überwachungskultur gespeist wird. Schließlich werden Zukunftsperspektiven zum Internet der Dinge, Pricing, Privatheit und der Digitalen Demokratie skizziert.
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  20.  41
    Henry Sidgwick.Bartonn D. Schultz - 2008 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
  21.  63
    Schultz's Sidgwick.Bart Schultz - 2007 - Utilitas 19 (1).
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  22.  20
    Ethics and Sharing Economy Platforms: A Pathway to Data-Driven and Peer-to-Peer Platform CSR.Mario D. Schultz & Peter Seele - 2021 - In Luise Li Langergaard, New Economies for Sustainability: Limits and Potentials for Possible Futures. Springer Verlag. pp. 139-152.
    Recent developments in global business gave rise to innovative forms of digital-exchange, facilitated by a new big data-based infrastructure – the sharing economy platform. SEPs are rapidly expanding, challenging the political-economic order and the classical division of work in society. Against the background of the current sustainability crisis, we discuss the increasingly momentous role of SEPs as a potential driver toward a more sustainable economy and society. Drawing on the theoretical lens of political CSR theory, we first outline how SEPs (...)
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    From Greenwashing to Machinewashing: A Model and Future Directions Derived from Reasoning by Analogy.Peter Seele & Mario D. Schultz - 2022 - Journal of Business Ethics 178 (4):1063-1089.
    This article proposes a conceptual mapping to outline salient properties and relations that allow for a knowledge transfer from the well-established greenwashing phenomenon to the more recent machinewashing. We account for relevant dissimilarities, indicating where conceptual boundaries may be drawn. Guided by a “reasoning by analogy” approach, the article addresses the structural analogy and machinewashing idiosyncrasies leading to a novel and theoretically informed model of machinewashing. Consequently, machinewashing is defined as a strategy that organizations adopt to engage in misleading behavior (...)
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  24. Deliberative Control and Eliminativism about Reasons for Emotions.Conner Schultz - 2025 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 103 (1):72-87.
    In this paper, I argue for Strong Eliminativism—the view that there are no reasons for emotions. My argument for this claim has two premises. The first premise is that there is a deliberative constraint on reasons: a reason for an agent to have an attitude must be able to feature in that agent’s deliberation to that attitude. My argument for this premise is that in order to have reasons for an attitude, we need to be able to exhibit some relevant (...)
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  25.  22
    The Happiness Philosophers: The Lives and Works of the Great Utilitarians.Bart Schultz - 2017 - Princeton: Princeton University Press.
    A colorful history of utilitarianism told through the lives and ideas of Jeremy Bentham, John Stuart Mill, and its other founders In The Happiness Philosophers, Bart Schultz tells the colorful story of the lives and legacies of the founders of utilitarianism—one of the most influential yet misunderstood and maligned philosophies of the past two centuries. Best known for arguing that "it is the greatest happiness of the greatest number that is the measure of right and wrong," utilitarianism was developed (...)
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  26.  45
    Emotions as the Enforcers of Norms.Cody D. Packard & P. Wesley Schultz - 2023 - Emotion Review 15 (4):279-283.
    Personal and social norms are well-established predictors of proenvironmental behavior, and past research often discusses the motivational properties of different norms. However, less research has examined how individuals feel after conforming to, or deviating from, a norm. We suggest that emotions may function as norm enforcement tools that reward conformity and punish deviance. As a starting point, we outline the emotions that individuals may experience when conforming to, or deviating from, different norms (i.e., personal norms, descriptive social norms, injunctive social (...)
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  27.  46
    Anthropomorphization and beyond: conceptualizing humanwashing of AI-enabled machines.Gabriela Scorici, Mario D. Schultz & Peter Seele - forthcoming - AI and Society:1-7.
    The complex relationships between humans and AI-empowered machines have created and inspired new products and services as well as controversial debates, fiction and entertainment, and last but not least, a striving and vital field of research. The convergence between the two categories of entities has created stimulating concepts and theories in the past, such as the uncanny valley, machinization of humans through datafication, or humanization of machines, known as anthropomorphization. In this article, we identify a new gap in the relational (...)
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    Book Review of An Elusive Science: The Troubling History of Education Research. [REVIEW]Brian D. Schultz - 2004 - Educational Studies 35 (3).
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    Antinatalism and the vegan’s dilemma.James Schultz - 2024 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 45 (6):493-494.
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    The Dignity of Diminished Animals: Species Norms and Engineering to Improve Welfare.Marcus Schultz-Bergin - 2017 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 20 (4):843-856.
    The meteoric rise of CRISPR/Cas9 gene editing technology has ignited discussions of engineering agricultural animals to improve their welfare. While some have proposed enhancing animals, for instance by engineering for disease resistance, others have suggested we might diminish animals to improve their welfare. By reducing or eliminating species-typical capacities, the expression of which is frustrated under current conditions, animal diminishment could reduce or eliminate the suffering that currently accompanies industrial animal agriculture. Although diminishment could reduce animal suffering, there is a (...)
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    Unlocking the potential of smart grid technologies with behavioral science.Nicole D. Sintov & P. Wesley Schultz - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
  32.  19
    Plato's Socrates as Narrator: A Philosophical Muse.Anne-Marie Schultz - 2013 - Lanham: Lexington Books.
    This book explores five Platonic dialogues: Lysis, Charmides, Protagoras, Euthydemus, and the Republic. This book uses Socrates’ narrative commentary as its primary interpretive framework. No one has engaged in a sustained attempt to explore the Platonic dialogues from this angle. As a result, it offers a unique contribution to Plato scholarship. The portrait of Socrates that emerges challenges the traditional view of Socrates as an intellectualist and offers a holistic vision of philosophical practice.
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    Le temps d'un projet. Les temporalités du financement sur projet dans un laboratoire de biophysique.Émilien Schultz - 2013 - Temporalités 18.
    Cet article étudie les effets des politiques de financements sur projets sur la recherche académique. À partir du cas d'un laboratoire de biophysique, il rend compte de l'influence de la temporalité gestionnaire courte des projets sur la trajectoire des collectifs scientifiques en considérant la dimension de politique scientifique propre à cet instrument de financement. Destiné à renforcer la collaboration entre physiciens et biologistes, le programme de financement sur projets associé au laboratoire étudié a permis de faire évoluer durablement ses orientations (...)
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  34. The Deliberative Constraint on Reasons.Conner Schultz - 2024 - Philosophy Compass 19 (7):e13010.
    Must reasons be able to feature in our deliberation? Proponents of a deliberative constraint on reasons endorse an affirmative answer to this question. Deliberative constraints enjoy broad appeal and have been deployed as premises in support of a variety of controversial philosophical positions. Yet, despite their uses, deliberative constraints have not received systematic philosophical attention. This entry aims to fill this gap in the literature. First, I sketch what's at stake in the debate over whether a deliberative constraint is true. (...)
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    The Negative Effect of Low Belonging on Consumer Responses to Sustainable Products.Ainslie E. Schultz, Kevin P. Newman & Scott A. Wright - 2022 - Journal of Business Ethics 187 (3):473-492.
    Sustainable products are engineered to reduce environmental, ecological, and human costs of consumption. Not all consumers value sustainable products, however, and this poses negative societal implications. Using self-expansion theory as a guide, we explore how an individual’s general sense of belonging—or the perception that one is accepted and valued by others in the broader social world—alters their responses to sustainable products. Five experimental studies and a field study demonstrate that individuals lower in belonging respond less favorably to sustainable products in (...)
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    Conceptualizing the ‘female’ soul – a study in Plato and Proclus.Jana Schultz - 2019 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 27 (5):883-901.
    Within the Platonic (or Neoplatonic) dualistic conception of body and soul the difference between maleness and femaleness might appear to be a difference which only concerns the body, that is a difference which is not essential for determining who (or what) a certain human is. One might argue that, since humans are essentially their souls and souls are genderless, men and women are essentially equal. As my paper shows, though, Plato's and Proclus’ writings set out two ways of conceptualizing human (...)
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    Introduction: Special Section to Honor Carroll Izard.J. A. A. Abe & D. Schultz - 2015 - Emotion Review 7 (2):101-103.
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    What Does it Mean to Teach Toward Freedom?Agata Trzaska & Brian D. Schultz - 2009 - Educational Studies: A Jrnl of the American Educ. Studies Assoc 45 (4):392-398.
  39.  49
    Vasubandhu, reactive attitudes, and attentional freedom.Aaron Schultz - 2021 - Asian Philosophy 31 (2):178-194.
    This article aims to draw attention to the way in which a subset of reactive attitudes make us less free. Vasubandhu’s explanation of reactive attitudes shows us how they make us less free...
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    Essays on Henry Sidgwick.Bart Schultz (ed.) - 1992 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    The dominant moral philosophy of nineteenth-century Britain was utilitarianism, beginning with Bentham and ending with Sidgwick. Though once overshadowed by his immediate predecessors in that tradition, Sidgwick is now regarded as a figure of great importance in the history of moral philosophy. Indeed his masterpiece, The Methods of Ethics, has been described by John Rawls as the 'most philosophically profound' of the classical utilitarian works. In this volume a distinguished group of philosophers reassesses the full range of Sidgwick's work, not (...)
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    Nishida Kitarō, G.W.F. Hegel, and the Pursuit of the Concrete: A Dialectic of Dialectics.Lucy Schultz - 2012 - Philosophy East and West 62 (3):319-338.
    A comparison of the dialectical worldviews of Nishida and Hegel is made by developing the notion of dialectical ontology as concrete philosophy in which logic is understood to extend beyond the level of discourse to the point where knowledge and experience cease to be opposed. The differences between their dialectical methods are outlined, highlighting Hegel's emphasis on the actualization of self-consciousness and historical progress in contrast to Nishida's concepts of the dialectal universal "place," the external now, and the self as (...)
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  42. The Controversy about Sloterdijk’s "Rules for the Human Zoo".Norman Schultz - 2020 - Philosophy Today 64 (1):221-238.
    The so-called Menschenpark-debate on genetic engineering—originating in 1999—turned out to be one of the most controversial and contentious debates in German philosophy. It is also regarded as the first manifestation of the struggle between Sloterdijk and Habermas. While Sloterdijk’s ideas had a significant impact on Habermas’s theory, Sloterdijk’s philosophy has been consistently ignored and dismissed until today due to two reasons. First, he was accused of advocating for fascist ideology. Second, philosophers from the same academic circles claimed that his method (...)
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    The Institute Henri Poincaré and mathematics in France between the wars.Reinhard Siegmund-Schultze - 2009 - Revue d'Histoire des Sciences 62 (1):247-283.
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    Gareth B. Matthews, The Child’s Philosopher. Edited by Maughn Rollins Gregory and Megan Jane Laverty.Bart Schultz - 2022 - Teaching Philosophy 45 (3):390-393.
  45.  17
    Utilitarianism and Empire.Bart Schultz & Georgios Varouxakis (eds.) - 2005 - Lexington Books.
    The classical utilitarian legacy of Jeremy Bentham, J. S. Mill, James Mill, and Henry Sidgwick has often been charged with both theoretical and practical complicity in the growth of British imperialism and the emerging racialist discourse of the nineteenth century. But there has been little scholarly work devoted to bringing together the conflicting interpretive perspectives on this legacy and its complex evolution with respect to orientalism and imperialism. This volume, with contributions by leading scholars in the field, represents the first (...)
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    Attention, Diversion, and Distraction Technologies.Aaron Schultz - 2025 - Philosophy and Technology 38 (1):1-19.
    This article defends the claim that diversions, which are actions that cause distraction, are a unique way to modify someone’s behavior and that they are morally salient. While the focus of this article is dedicated to understanding the moral features of attention and diversion, it is crucial to keep in mind that the moral evaluation of these concepts is most pressing within a technological society deeply intertwined with an attention economy. We are inundated with distraction technologies, which are technologies whose (...)
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    Mütterliche Ursachen in Proklos’ Metaphysik.Jana Schultz - 2019 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 163 (2):250-273.
    In his commentary on Plato’s Parmenides Proclos describes the maternal and paternal contributions to reproduction as of equal value: The paternal seed furnishes potential λόγοι, the mother actualises them and so causes the reversion of the offspring. However, the definition of the mother as actualising cause is linked to the particular circumstances of conception in the sphere of nature. In general, Proclus bases his concept of femininity on the idea of a shared, but not equal activity by paternal and maternal (...)
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    Creative Climate: Expressive Media in the Aesthetics of Watsuji, Nishida, and Merleau-Ponty.Lucy Schultz - 2013 - Environmental Philosophy 10 (1):63-81.
    In different ways, Watsuji, Nishida, and Merleau-Ponty describe a self that extends beyond the skin through a sort of dialectic of internal/external space of perception and action, which has implications for understanding the relationship between art and nature in artistic creation. Through an exposition of Watsuji’s conception of human being in relation to a climatic milieu, Nishida’s theory of the expressive body as the site of the world’s own self-transformations, and certain claims made by Merleau-Ponty in his essays on painting, (...)
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    New Standards, Same Refrain: The IAAF's Regulations on Hyperandrogenism.Jaime Schultz - 2012 - American Journal of Bioethics 12 (7):32-33.
    The American Journal of Bioethics, Volume 12, Issue 7, Page 32-33, July 2012.
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  50. Fear of Scandalous Knowledge: Arguing About Coherence in Scientific Theory and Practice.Emily A. Schultz - unknown
    A decade after the ‘‘Sokal Hoax,’’ Alan Sokal and Paul Boghossian still claim that postmodern arguments are incoherent attacks on reason and truth. However, both also continue to mischaracterize ‘‘constructivist’’ epistemology, to engage in highly problematic logical gymnastics to defend their own views, and to ignore changes in philosophy of science and science studies since 1996. I offer a brief description of my own, rather different understanding of postmodern science criticism in order to contextualize my dissatisfaction with Sokal and Boghossian’s (...)
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